base-files: sysupgrade cleanup
[openwrt/openwrt.git] / package / base-files / files / sbin / sysupgrade
1 #!/bin/sh
3 . /lib/
4 . /lib/functions/
6 # initialize defaults
7 RAMFS_COPY_BIN="" # extra programs for temporary ramfs root
8 RAMFS_COPY_DATA="" # extra data files
9 export MTD_CONFIG_ARGS=""
10 export INTERACTIVE=0
11 export VERBOSE=1
12 export SAVE_CONFIG=1
13 export SAVE_OVERLAY=0
15 export CONF_IMAGE=
16 export CONF_BACKUP_LIST=0
17 export CONF_BACKUP=
18 export CONF_RESTORE=
19 export NEED_IMAGE=
20 export HELP=0
21 export FORCE=0
22 export TEST=0
24 # parse options
25 while [ -n "$1" ]; do
26 case "$1" in
27 -i) export INTERACTIVE=1;;
28 -v) export VERBOSE="$(($VERBOSE + 1))";;
29 -q) export VERBOSE="$(($VERBOSE - 1))";;
30 -n) export SAVE_CONFIG=0;;
31 -c) export SAVE_OVERLAY=1;;
32 -p) export SAVE_PARTITIONS=0;;
33 -b|--create-backup) export CONF_BACKUP="$2" NEED_IMAGE=1; shift;;
34 -r|--restore-backup) export CONF_RESTORE="$2" NEED_IMAGE=1; shift;;
35 -l|--list-backup) export CONF_BACKUP_LIST=1; break;;
36 -f) export CONF_IMAGE="$2"; shift;;
37 -F|--force) export FORCE=1;;
38 -T|--test) export TEST=1;;
39 -h|--help) export HELP=1; break;;
40 -*)
41 echo "Invalid option: $1"
42 exit 1
43 ;;
44 *) break;;
45 esac
46 shift;
47 done
49 export CONFFILES=/tmp/sysupgrade.conffiles
50 export CONF_TAR=/tmp/sysupgrade.tgz
52 IMAGE="$1"
54 [ -z "$IMAGE" -a -z "$NEED_IMAGE" -o $HELP -gt 0 ] && {
55 cat <<EOF
56 Usage: $0 [<upgrade-option>...] <image file or URL>
57 $0 [-q] [-i] <backup-command> <file>
59 upgrade-option:
60 -d <delay> add a delay before rebooting
61 -f <config> restore configuration from .tar.gz (file or url)
62 -i interactive mode
63 -c attempt to preserve all changed files in /etc/
64 -n do not save configuration over reflash
65 -p do not attempt to restore the partition table after flash.
66 -T | --test
67 Verify image and config .tar.gz but do not actually flash.
68 -F | --force
69 Flash image even if image checks fail, this is dangerous!
70 -q less verbose
71 -v more verbose
72 -h | --help display this help
74 backup-command:
75 -b | --create-backup <file>
76 create .tar.gz of files specified in sysupgrade.conf
77 then exit. Does not flash an image. If file is '-',
78 i.e. stdout, verbosity is set to 0 (i.e. quiet).
79 -r | --restore-backup <file>
80 restore a .tar.gz created with sysupgrade -b
81 then exit. Does not flash an image. If file is '-',
82 the archive is read from stdin.
83 -l | --list-backup
84 list the files that would be backed up when calling
85 sysupgrade -b. Does not create a backup file.
87 EOF
88 exit 1
89 }
91 [ -n "$IMAGE" -a -n "$NEED_IMAGE" ] && {
92 cat <<-EOF
93 -b|--create-backup and -r|--restore-backup do not perform a firmware upgrade.
94 Do not specify both -b|-r and a firmware image.
95 EOF
96 exit 1
97 }
99 # prevent messages from clobbering the tarball when using stdout
100 [ "$CONF_BACKUP" = "-" ] && export VERBOSE=0
102 add_uci_conffiles() {
103 local file="$1"
104 ( find $(sed -ne '/^[[:space:]]*$/d; /^#/d; p' \
105 /etc/sysupgrade.conf /lib/upgrade/keep.d/* 2>/dev/null) \
106 -type f -o -type l 2>/dev/null;
107 opkg list-changed-conffiles ) | sort -u > "$file"
108 return 0
109 }
111 add_overlayfiles() {
112 local file="$1"
113 if [ -d /overlay/upper ]; then
114 local overlaydir="/overlay/upper"
115 else
116 local overlaydir="/overlay"
117 fi
118 find $overlaydir/etc/ -type f -o -type l | sed \
119 -e 's,^/overlay\/upper/,/,' \
120 -e 's,^/overlay/,/,' \
121 -e '\,/META_[a-zA-Z0-9]*$,d' \
122 -e '\,/$,d' \
123 -e '\,/[^/]*-opkg$,d' \
124 > "$file"
125 return 0
126 }
128 # hooks
129 sysupgrade_image_check="fwtool_check_image platform_check_image"
130 sysupgrade_pre_upgrade="fwtool_pre_upgrade"
131 [ $SAVE_OVERLAY = 0 -o ! -d /overlay/etc ] && \
132 sysupgrade_init_conffiles="add_uci_conffiles" || \
133 sysupgrade_init_conffiles="add_overlayfiles"
135 include /lib/upgrade
137 do_save_conffiles() {
138 local conf_tar="${1:-$CONF_TAR}"
140 [ -z "$(rootfs_type)" ] && {
141 echo "Cannot save config while running from ramdisk."
142 ask_bool 0 "Abort" && exit
143 rm -f "$conf_tar"
144 return 0
145 }
146 run_hooks "$CONFFILES" $sysupgrade_init_conffiles
147 ask_bool 0 "Edit config file list" && vi "$CONFFILES"
149 v "Saving config files..."
150 [ "$VERBOSE" -gt 1 ] && TAR_V="v" || TAR_V=""
151 tar c${TAR_V}zf "$conf_tar" -T "$CONFFILES" 2>/dev/null
153 rm -f "$CONFFILES"
154 }
156 if [ $CONF_BACKUP_LIST -eq 1 ]; then
157 add_uci_conffiles "$CONFFILES"
158 cat "$CONFFILES"
159 rm -f "$CONFFILES"
160 exit 0
161 fi
163 if [ -n "$CONF_BACKUP" ]; then
164 do_save_conffiles "$CONF_BACKUP"
165 exit $?
166 fi
168 if [ -n "$CONF_RESTORE" ]; then
169 if [ "$CONF_RESTORE" != "-" ] && [ ! -f "$CONF_RESTORE" ]; then
170 echo "Backup archive '$CONF_RESTORE' not found."
171 exit 1
172 fi
174 [ "$VERBOSE" -gt 1 ] && TAR_V="v" || TAR_V=""
175 tar -C / -x${TAR_V}zf "$CONF_RESTORE"
176 exit $?
177 fi
179 type platform_check_image >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || {
180 echo "Firmware upgrade is not implemented for this platform."
181 exit 1
182 }
184 case "$IMAGE" in
185 http://*)
186 wget -O/tmp/sysupgrade.img "$IMAGE"
187 IMAGE=/tmp/sysupgrade.img
188 ;;
189 esac
191 IMAGE="$(readlink -f "$IMAGE")"
193 case "$IMAGE" in
194 '')
195 echo "Image file not found."
196 exit 1
197 ;;
198 /tmp/*) ;;
199 *)
200 v "Image not in /tmp, copying..."
201 cp -f "$IMAGE" /tmp/sysupgrade.img
202 IMAGE=/tmp/sysupgrade.img
203 ;;
204 esac
206 export ARGV="$IMAGE"
207 export ARGC=1
209 for check in $sysupgrade_image_check; do
210 ( $check "$IMAGE" ) || {
211 if [ $FORCE -eq 1 ]; then
212 echo "Image check '$check' failed but --force given - will update anyway!"
213 break
214 else
215 echo "Image check '$check' failed."
216 exit 1
217 fi
218 }
219 done
221 if [ -n "$CONF_IMAGE" ]; then
222 case "$(get_magic_word $CONF_IMAGE cat)" in
223 # .gz files
224 1f8b) ;;
225 *)
226 echo "Invalid config file. Please use only .tar.gz files"
227 exit 1
228 ;;
229 esac
230 get_image "$CONF_IMAGE" "cat" > "$CONF_TAR"
231 export SAVE_CONFIG=1
232 elif ask_bool $SAVE_CONFIG "Keep config files over reflash"; then
233 [ $TEST -eq 1 ] || do_save_conffiles
234 export SAVE_CONFIG=1
235 else
236 [ $TEST -eq 1 ] || rm -f "$CONF_TAR"
237 export SAVE_CONFIG=0
238 fi
240 if [ $TEST -eq 1 ]; then
241 exit 0
242 fi
244 if [ $SAVE_PARTITIONS -eq 0 ]; then
245 touch /tmp/sysupgrade.always.overwrite.bootdisk.partmap
246 else
247 rm -f /tmp/sysupgrade.always.overwrite.bootdisk.partmap
248 fi
250 run_hooks "" $sysupgrade_pre_upgrade
252 install_bin /sbin/upgraded
253 v "Commencing upgrade. All shell sessions will be closed now."
254 ubus call system sysupgrade "{
255 \"prefix\": \"$RAM_ROOT\",
256 \"path\": $(json_string "$IMAGE"),
257 \"command\": \". /lib/; include /lib/upgrade; do_upgrade_stage2\"
258 }"