This patch allows the user to specify esfq as the leaf qdisc, as well as perturb...
[openwrt/openwrt.git] / package / qos-scripts / files / usr / lib / qos / tcrules.awk
2 dmax=100
3 if (!(linespeed > 0)) linespeed = 128
4 FS=":"
5 n = 0
6 }
8 ($1 != "") {
9 n++
10 class[n] = $1
11 prio[n] = $2
12 avgrate[n] = ($3 * linespeed / 100)
13 pktsize[n] = $4
14 delay[n] = $5
15 maxrate[n] = ($6 * linespeed / 100)
16 qdisc_esfq[n] = $7
17 }
19 END {
20 allocated = 0
21 maxdelay = 0
23 for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
24 # set defaults
25 if (!(pktsize[i] > 0)) pktsize[i] = 1500
26 if (!(prio[i] > 0)) prio[i] = 1
28 allocated += avgrate[i]
29 sum_prio += prio[i]
30 if ((avgrate[i] > 0) && !(delay[i] > 0)) {
31 sum_rtprio += prio[i]
32 }
33 }
35 # allocation of m1 in rt classes:
36 # sum(d * m1) must not exceed dmax * (linespeed - allocated)
37 dmax = 0
38 for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
39 if (avgrate[i] > 0) {
40 rtm2[i] = avgrate[i]
41 if (delay[i] > 0) {
42 d[i] = delay[i]
43 } else {
44 d[i] = 2 * pktsize[i] * 1000 / (linespeed * 1024)
45 if (d[i] > dmax) dmax = d[i]
46 }
47 }
48 }
50 ds_avail = dmax * (linespeed - allocated)
51 for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
52 lsm1[i] = 0
53 rtm1[i] = 0
54 lsm2[i] = linespeed * prio[i] / sum_prio
55 if ((avgrate[i] > 0) && (d[i] > 0)) {
56 if (!(delay[i] > 0)) {
57 ds = ds_avail * prio[i] / sum_rtprio
58 ds_avail -= ds
59 rtm1[i] = rtm2[i] + ds/d[i]
60 }
61 lsm1[i] = rtm1[i]
62 }
63 else {
64 d[i] = 0
65 }
66 }
68 # main qdisc
69 for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
70 printf "tc class add dev "device" parent 1:1 classid 1:"class[i]"0 hfsc"
71 if (qdisc_esfq[i] != "") {
72 # user requested esfq
73 print "esfq " qdisc_esfq[i] " limit " ql
74 } else if (rtm1[i] > 0) {
75 # rt class - use sfq
76 printf " rt m1 " int(rtm1[i]) "kbit d " int(d[i] * 1000) "us m2 " int(rtm2[i])"kbit"
77 }
78 printf " ls m1 " int(lsm1[i]) "kbit d " int(d[i] * 1000) "us m2 " int(lsm2[i]) "kbit"
79 print " ul rate " int(maxrate[i]) "kbit"
80 }
82 # leaf qdisc
83 avpkt = 1200
84 for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
85 printf "tc qdisc add dev "device" parent 1:"class[i]"0 handle "class[i]"00: "
87 # RED parameters - also used to determine the queue length for sfq
88 # calculate min value. for links <= 256 kbit, we use 1500 bytes
89 # use 50 ms queue length as min threshold for faster links
90 # max threshold is fixed to 3*min
91 base_pkt=3000
92 base_rate=256
93 min_lat=50
94 if (maxrate[i] <= base_rate) min = base_pkt
95 else min = int(maxrate[i] * 1024 / 8 * 0.05)
96 max = 3 * min
97 limit = (min + max) * 3
99 if (rtm1[i] > 0) {
100 # rt class - use sfq
101 print "sfq perturb 2 limit " limit
102 } else {
103 # non-rt class - use RED
105 avpkt = pktsize[i]
106 # don't use avpkt values less than 500 bytes
107 if (avpkt < 500) avpkt = 500
108 # if avpkt is too close to min, scale down avpkt to allow proper bursting
109 if (avpkt > min * 0.70) avpkt *= 0.70
112 # according to a drop
113 # probability somewhere between 0.1 and 0.2 should be a good tradeoff
114 # between link utilization and response time (0.1: response; 0.2: utilization)
115 prob="0.12"
117 rburst=int((2*min + max) / (3 * avpkt))
118 if (rburst < 2) rburst = 2
119 print "red min " min " max " max " burst " rburst " avpkt " avpkt " limit " limit " probability " prob " ecn"
120 }
121 }
123 # filter rule
124 for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
125 print "tc filter add dev "device" parent 1: prio "class[i]" protocol ip handle "class[i]" fw flowid 1:"class[i] "0"
126 }
127 }