scripts: add help text for some generated KConfigs
[openwrt/openwrt.git] / scripts /
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
2 use FindBin;
3 use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
4 use strict;
5 use metadata;
6 use Getopt::Long;
8 my %board;
10 sub version_to_num($) {
11 my $str = shift;
12 my $num = 0;
14 if (defined($str) && $str =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)+$/)
15 {
16 my @n = (split(/\./, $str), 0, 0, 0, 0);
17 $num = ($n[0] << 24) | ($n[1] << 16) | ($n[2] << 8) | $n[3];
18 }
20 return $num;
21 }
23 sub version_filter_list(@) {
24 my $cmpver = version_to_num(shift @_);
25 my @items;
27 foreach my $item (@_)
28 {
29 if ($item =~ s/@(lt|le|gt|ge|eq|ne)(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\b//)
30 {
31 my $op = $1;
32 my $symver = version_to_num($2);
34 if ($symver > 0 && $cmpver > 0)
35 {
36 next unless (($op eq 'lt' && $cmpver < $symver) ||
37 ($op eq 'le' && $cmpver <= $symver) ||
38 ($op eq 'gt' && $cmpver > $symver) ||
39 ($op eq 'ge' && $cmpver >= $symver) ||
40 ($op eq 'eq' && $cmpver == $symver) ||
41 ($op eq 'ne' && $cmpver != $symver));
42 }
43 }
45 push @items, $item;
46 }
48 return @items;
49 }
51 sub gen_kconfig_overrides() {
52 my %config;
53 my %kconfig;
54 my $package;
55 my $pkginfo = shift @ARGV;
56 my $cfgfile = shift @ARGV;
57 my $patchver = shift @ARGV;
59 # parameter 2: build system config
60 open FILE, "<$cfgfile" or return;
61 while (<FILE>) {
62 /^(CONFIG_.+?)=(.+)$/ and $config{$1} = 1;
63 }
64 close FILE;
66 # parameter 1: package metadata
67 open FILE, "<$pkginfo" or return;
68 while (<FILE>) {
69 /^Package:\s*(.+?)\s*$/ and $package = $1;
70 /^Kernel-Config:\s*(.+?)\s*$/ and do {
71 my @config = split /\s+/, $1;
72 foreach my $config (version_filter_list($patchver, @config)) {
73 my $val = 'm';
74 my $override;
75 if ($config =~ /^(.+?)=(.+)$/) {
76 $config = $1;
77 $override = 1;
78 $val = $2;
79 }
80 if ($config{"CONFIG_PACKAGE_$package"} and ($config ne 'n')) {
81 next if $kconfig{$config} eq 'y';
82 $kconfig{$config} = $val;
83 } elsif (!$override) {
84 $kconfig{$config} or $kconfig{$config} = 'n';
85 }
86 }
87 };
88 };
89 close FILE;
91 foreach my $kconfig (sort keys %kconfig) {
92 if ($kconfig{$kconfig} eq 'n') {
93 print "# $kconfig is not set\n";
94 } else {
95 print "$kconfig=$kconfig{$kconfig}\n";
96 }
97 }
98 }
100 my %dep_check;
101 sub __find_package_dep($$) {
102 my $pkg = shift;
103 my $name = shift;
104 my $deps = ($pkg->{vdepends} or $pkg->{depends});
106 return 0 unless defined $deps;
107 foreach my $dep (@{$deps}) {
108 next if $dep_check{$dep};
109 $dep_check{$dep} = 1;
110 return 1 if $dep eq $name;
111 return 1 if ($package{$dep} and (__find_package_dep($package{$dep},$name) == 1));
112 }
113 return 0;
114 }
116 # wrapper to avoid infinite recursion
117 sub find_package_dep($$) {
118 my $pkg = shift;
119 my $name = shift;
121 %dep_check = ();
122 return __find_package_dep($pkg, $name);
123 }
125 sub package_depends($$) {
126 my $a = shift;
127 my $b = shift;
128 my $ret;
130 return 0 if ($a->{submenu} ne $b->{submenu});
131 if (find_package_dep($a, $b->{name}) == 1) {
132 $ret = 1;
133 } elsif (find_package_dep($b, $a->{name}) == 1) {
134 $ret = -1;
135 } else {
136 return 0;
137 }
138 return $ret;
139 }
141 sub mconf_depends {
142 my $pkgname = shift;
143 my $depends = shift;
144 my $only_dep = shift;
145 my $res;
146 my $dep = shift;
147 my $seen = shift;
148 my $parent_condition = shift;
149 $dep or $dep = {};
150 $seen or $seen = {};
151 my @t_depends;
153 $depends or return;
154 my @depends = @$depends;
155 foreach my $depend (@depends) {
156 my $m = "depends on";
157 my $flags = "";
158 $depend =~ s/^([@\+]+)// and $flags = $1;
159 my $vdep;
160 my $condition = $parent_condition;
162 next if $condition eq $depend;
163 next if $seen->{"$parent_condition:$depend"};
164 next if $seen->{":$depend"};
165 $seen->{"$parent_condition:$depend"} = 1;
166 if ($depend =~ /^(.+):(.+)$/) {
167 if ($1 ne "PACKAGE_$pkgname") {
168 if ($condition) {
169 $condition = "$condition && $1";
170 } else {
171 $condition = $1;
172 }
173 }
174 $depend = $2;
175 }
176 next if $package{$depend} and $package{$depend}->{buildonly};
177 if ($flags =~ /\+/) {
178 if ($vdep = $package{$depend}->{vdepends}) {
179 my @vdeps = @$vdep;
180 $depend = shift @vdeps;
181 if (@vdeps > 1) {
182 $condition = '!('.join("||", map { "PACKAGE_".$_ } @vdeps).')';
183 } elsif (@vdeps > 0) {
184 $condition = '!PACKAGE_'.$vdeps[0];
185 }
186 }
188 # Menuconfig will not treat 'select FOO' as a real dependency
189 # thus if FOO depends on other config options, these dependencies
190 # will not be checked. To fix this, we simply emit all of FOO's
191 # depends here as well.
192 $package{$depend} and push @t_depends, [ $package{$depend}->{depends}, $condition ];
194 $m = "select";
195 next if $only_dep;
197 $flags =~ /@/ or $depend = "PACKAGE_$depend";
198 } else {
199 if ($vdep = $package{$depend}->{vdepends}) {
200 $depend = join("||", map { "PACKAGE_".$_ } @$vdep);
201 } else {
202 $flags =~ /@/ or $depend = "PACKAGE_$depend";
203 }
204 }
205 if ($condition) {
206 if ($m =~ /select/) {
207 next if $depend eq $condition;
208 $depend = "$depend if $condition";
209 } else {
210 $depend = "!($condition) || $depend" unless $dep->{$condition} eq 'select';
211 }
212 }
213 $dep->{$depend} =~ /select/ or $dep->{$depend} = $m;
214 }
216 foreach my $tdep (@t_depends) {
217 mconf_depends($pkgname, $tdep->[0], 1, $dep, $seen, $tdep->[1]);
218 }
220 foreach my $depend (keys %$dep) {
221 my $m = $dep->{$depend};
222 $res .= "\t\t$m $depend\n";
223 }
224 return $res;
225 }
227 sub mconf_conflicts {
228 my $pkgname = shift;
229 my $depends = shift;
230 my $res = "";
232 foreach my $depend (@$depends) {
233 next unless $package{$depend};
234 $res .= "\t\tdepends on m || (PACKAGE_$depend != y)\n";
235 }
236 return $res;
237 }
239 sub print_package_config_category($) {
240 my $cat = shift;
241 my %menus;
242 my %menu_dep;
244 return unless $category{$cat};
246 print "menu \"$cat\"\n\n";
247 my %spkg = %{$category{$cat}};
249 foreach my $spkg (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %spkg) {
250 foreach my $pkg (@{$spkg{$spkg}}) {
251 next if $pkg->{buildonly};
252 my $menu = $pkg->{submenu};
253 if ($menu) {
254 $menu_dep{$menu} or $menu_dep{$menu} = $pkg->{submenudep};
255 } else {
256 $menu = 'undef';
257 }
258 $menus{$menu} or $menus{$menu} = [];
259 push @{$menus{$menu}}, $pkg;
260 }
261 }
262 my @menus = sort {
263 ($a eq 'undef' ? 1 : 0) or
264 ($b eq 'undef' ? -1 : 0) or
265 ($a cmp $b)
266 } keys %menus;
268 foreach my $menu (@menus) {
269 my @pkgs = sort {
270 package_depends($a, $b) or
271 ($a->{name} cmp $b->{name})
272 } @{$menus{$menu}};
273 if ($menu ne 'undef') {
274 $menu_dep{$menu} and print "if $menu_dep{$menu}\n";
275 print "menu \"$menu\"\n";
276 }
277 foreach my $pkg (@pkgs) {
278 next if $pkg->{ignore};
279 my $title = $pkg->{name};
280 my $c = (72 - length($pkg->{name}) - length($pkg->{title}));
281 if ($c > 0) {
282 $title .= ("." x $c). " ". $pkg->{title};
283 }
284 $title = "\"$title\"";
285 print "\t";
286 $pkg->{menu} and print "menu";
287 print "config PACKAGE_".$pkg->{name}."\n";
288 $pkg->{hidden} and $title = "";
289 print "\t\t".($pkg->{tristate} ? 'tristate' : 'bool')." $title\n";
290 print "\t\tdefault y if DEFAULT_".$pkg->{name}."\n";
291 unless ($pkg->{hidden}) {
292 my @def = ("ALL");
293 if (!exists($pkg->{repository})) {
294 push @def, "ALL_NONSHARED";
295 }
296 if ($pkg->{name} =~ /^kmod-/) {
297 push @def, "ALL_KMODS";
298 }
299 $pkg->{default} ||= "m if " . join("||", @def);
300 }
301 if ($pkg->{default}) {
302 foreach my $default (split /\s*,\s*/, $pkg->{default}) {
303 print "\t\tdefault $default\n";
304 }
305 }
306 print mconf_depends($pkg->{name}, $pkg->{depends}, 0);
307 print mconf_depends($pkg->{name}, $pkg->{mdepends}, 0);
308 print mconf_conflicts($pkg->{name}, $pkg->{conflicts});
309 print "\t\thelp\n";
310 print $pkg->{description};
311 print "\n";
313 $pkg->{config} and print $pkg->{config}."\n";
314 }
315 if ($menu ne 'undef') {
316 print "endmenu\n";
317 $menu_dep{$menu} and print "endif\n";
318 }
319 }
320 print "endmenu\n\n";
322 undef $category{$cat};
323 }
325 sub print_package_features() {
326 keys %features > 0 or return;
327 print "menu \"Package features\"\n";
328 foreach my $n (keys %features) {
329 my @features = sort { $b->{priority} <=> $a->{priority} or $a->{title} cmp $b->{title} } @{$features{$n}};
330 print <<EOF;
331 choice
332 prompt "$features[0]->{target_title}"
333 default FEATURE_$features[0]->{name}
334 EOF
336 foreach my $feature (@features) {
337 print <<EOF;
338 config FEATURE_$feature->{name}
339 bool "$feature->{title}"
340 EOF
341 $feature->{description} =~ /\w/ and do {
342 print "\t\thelp\n".$feature->{description}."\n";
343 };
344 }
345 print "endchoice\n"
346 }
347 print "endmenu\n\n";
348 }
350 sub print_package_overrides() {
351 keys %overrides > 0 or return;
352 print "\tconfig OVERRIDE_PKGS\n";
353 print "\t\tstring\n";
354 print "\t\tdefault \"".join(" ", sort keys %overrides)."\"\n\n";
355 }
357 sub gen_package_config() {
358 parse_package_metadata($ARGV[0]) or exit 1;
359 print "menuconfig IMAGEOPT\n\tbool \"Image configuration\"\n\tdefault n\n";
360 foreach my $preconfig (keys %preconfig) {
361 foreach my $cfg (keys %{$preconfig{$preconfig}}) {
362 my $conf = $preconfig{$preconfig}->{$cfg}->{id};
363 $conf =~ tr/\.-/__/;
364 print <<EOF
365 config UCI_PRECONFIG_$conf
366 string "$preconfig{$preconfig}->{$cfg}->{label}" if IMAGEOPT
367 depends on PACKAGE_$preconfig
368 default "$preconfig{$preconfig}->{$cfg}->{default}"
370 EOF
371 }
372 }
373 print "source \"package/*/\"\n";
374 if (scalar glob "package/feeds/*/*/") {
375 print "source \"package/feeds/*/*/\"\n";
376 }
377 print_package_features();
378 print_package_config_category 'Base system';
379 foreach my $cat (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %category) {
380 print_package_config_category $cat;
381 }
382 print_package_overrides();
383 }
385 sub get_conditional_dep($$) {
386 my $condition = shift;
387 my $depstr = shift;
388 if ($condition) {
389 if ($condition =~ /^!(.+)/) {
390 return "\$(if \$(CONFIG_$1),,$depstr)";
391 } else {
392 return "\$(if \$(CONFIG_$condition),$depstr)";
393 }
394 } else {
395 return $depstr;
396 }
397 }
399 sub gen_package_mk() {
400 my %conf;
401 my %dep;
402 my %done;
403 my $line;
405 parse_package_metadata($ARGV[0]) or exit 1;
406 foreach my $name (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %package) {
407 my $config;
408 my $pkg = $package{$name};
409 my @srcdeps;
411 next if defined $pkg->{vdepends};
413 $config = "\$(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$name)";
414 if ($config) {
415 $pkg->{buildonly} and $config = "";
416 print "package-$config += $pkg->{subdir}$pkg->{src}\n";
417 if ($pkg->{variant}) {
418 if (!defined($done{$pkg->{src}}) or $pkg->{variant_default}) {
419 print "\$(curdir)/$pkg->{subdir}$pkg->{src}/default-variant := $pkg->{variant}\n";
420 }
421 print "\$(curdir)/$pkg->{subdir}$pkg->{src}/variants += \$(if $config,$pkg->{variant})\n"
422 }
423 $pkg->{prereq} and print "prereq-$config += $pkg->{subdir}$pkg->{src}\n";
424 }
426 next if $done{$pkg->{src}};
427 $done{$pkg->{src}} = 1;
429 if (@{$pkg->{buildtypes}} > 0) {
430 print "buildtypes-$pkg->{subdir}$pkg->{src} = ".join(' ', @{$pkg->{buildtypes}})."\n";
431 }
433 foreach my $spkg (@{$srcpackage{$pkg->{src}}}) {
434 foreach my $dep (@{$spkg->{depends}}, @{$spkg->{builddepends}}) {
435 $dep =~ /@/ or do {
436 $dep =~ s/\+//g;
437 push @srcdeps, $dep;
438 };
439 }
440 }
441 foreach my $type (@{$pkg->{buildtypes}}) {
442 my @extra_deps;
443 my %deplines;
445 next unless $pkg->{"builddepends/$type"};
446 foreach my $dep (@{$pkg->{"builddepends/$type"}}) {
447 my $suffix = "";
448 my $condition;
450 if ($dep =~ /^(.+):(.+)/) {
451 $condition = $1;
452 $dep = $2;
453 }
454 if ($dep =~ /^(.+)(\/.+)/) {
455 $dep = $1;
456 $suffix = $2;
457 }
459 my $idx = "";
460 my $pkg_dep = $package{$dep};
461 if (defined($pkg_dep) && defined($pkg_dep->{src})) {
462 $idx = $pkg_dep->{subdir}.$pkg_dep->{src};
463 } elsif (defined($srcpackage{$dep})) {
464 $idx = $subdir{$dep}.$dep;
465 } else {
466 next;
467 }
468 my $depstr = "\$(curdir)/$idx$suffix/compile";
469 my $depline = get_conditional_dep($condition, $depstr);
470 if ($depline) {
471 $deplines{$depline}++;
472 }
473 }
474 my $depline = join(" ", sort keys %deplines);
475 if ($depline) {
476 $line .= "\$(curdir)/".$pkg->{subdir}."$pkg->{src}/$type/compile += $depline\n";
477 }
478 }
480 my $hasdeps = 0;
481 my %deplines;
482 foreach my $deps (@srcdeps) {
483 my $idx;
484 my $condition;
485 my $prefix = "";
486 my $suffix = "";
488 if ($deps =~ /^(.+):(.+)/) {
489 $condition = $1;
490 $deps = $2;
491 }
492 if ($deps =~ /^(.+)(\/.+)/) {
493 $deps = $1;
494 $suffix = $2;
495 }
497 my $pkg_dep = $package{$deps};
498 my @deps;
500 if ($pkg_dep->{vdepends}) {
501 @deps = @{$pkg_dep->{vdepends}};
502 } else {
503 @deps = ($deps);
504 }
506 foreach my $dep (@deps) {
507 $pkg_dep = $package{$deps};
508 if (defined $pkg_dep->{src}) {
509 ($pkg->{src} ne $pkg_dep->{src}.$suffix) and $idx = $pkg_dep->{subdir}.$pkg_dep->{src};
510 } elsif (defined($srcpackage{$dep})) {
511 $idx = $subdir{$dep}.$dep;
512 }
513 undef $idx if $idx eq 'base-files';
514 if ($idx) {
515 $idx .= $suffix;
517 my $depline;
518 next if $pkg->{src} eq $pkg_dep->{src}.$suffix;
519 next if $dep{$condition.":".$pkg->{src}."->".$idx};
520 next if $dep{$pkg->{src}."->($dep)".$idx} and $pkg_dep->{vdepends};
521 my $depstr;
523 if ($pkg_dep->{vdepends}) {
524 $depstr = "\$(if \$(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$dep),\$(curdir)/$idx/compile)";
525 $dep{$pkg->{src}."->($dep)".$idx} = 1;
526 } else {
527 $depstr = "\$(curdir)/$idx/compile";
528 $dep{$pkg->{src}."->".$idx} = 1;
529 }
530 $depline = get_conditional_dep($condition, $depstr);
531 if ($depline) {
532 $deplines{$depline}++;
533 }
534 }
535 }
536 }
537 my $depline = join(" ", sort keys %deplines);
538 if ($depline) {
539 $line .= "\$(curdir)/".$pkg->{subdir}."$pkg->{src}/compile += $depline\n";
540 }
541 }
543 if ($line ne "") {
544 print "\n$line";
545 }
546 foreach my $preconfig (keys %preconfig) {
547 my $cmds;
548 foreach my $cfg (keys %{$preconfig{$preconfig}}) {
549 my $conf = $preconfig{$preconfig}->{$cfg}->{id};
550 $conf =~ tr/\.-/__/;
551 $cmds .= "\techo \"uci set '$preconfig{$preconfig}->{$cfg}->{id}=\$(subst \",,\$(CONFIG_UCI_PRECONFIG_$conf))'\"; \\\n";
552 }
553 next unless $cmds;
554 print <<EOF
556 ifndef DUMP_TARGET_DB
557 \$(TARGET_DIR)/etc/uci-defaults/$preconfig: FORCE
558 ( \\
559 $cmds \\
560 ) > \$@
562 ifneq (\$(IMAGEOPT)\$(CONFIG_IMAGEOPT),)
563 package/preconfig: \$(TARGET_DIR)/etc/uci-defaults/$preconfig
564 endif
565 endif
567 EOF
568 }
569 }
571 sub gen_package_source() {
572 parse_package_metadata($ARGV[0]) or exit 1;
573 foreach my $name (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %package) {
574 my $pkg = $package{$name};
575 if ($pkg->{name} && $pkg->{source}) {
576 print "$pkg->{name}: ";
577 print "$pkg->{source}\n";
578 }
579 }
580 }
582 sub gen_package_subdirs() {
583 parse_package_metadata($ARGV[0]) or exit 1;
584 foreach my $name (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %package) {
585 my $pkg = $package{$name};
586 if ($pkg->{name} && $pkg->{repository}) {
587 print "Package/$name/subdir = $pkg->{repository}\n";
588 }
589 }
590 }
592 sub gen_package_license($) {
593 my $level = shift;
594 parse_package_metadata($ARGV[0]) or exit 1;
595 foreach my $name (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %package) {
596 my $pkg = $package{$name};
597 if ($pkg->{name}) {
598 if ($pkg->{license}) {
599 print "$pkg->{name}: ";
600 print "$pkg->{license}\n";
601 if ($pkg->{licensefiles} && $level == 0) {
602 print "\tFiles: $pkg->{licensefiles}\n";
603 }
604 } else {
605 if ($level == 1) {
606 print "$pkg->{name}: Missing license! ";
607 print "Please fix $pkg->{makefile}\n";
608 }
609 }
610 }
611 }
612 }
614 sub gen_version_filtered_list() {
615 foreach my $item (version_filter_list(@ARGV)) {
616 print "$item\n";
617 }
618 }
620 sub parse_command() {
621 GetOptions("ignore=s", \@ignore);
622 my $cmd = shift @ARGV;
623 for ($cmd) {
624 /^mk$/ and return gen_package_mk();
625 /^config$/ and return gen_package_config();
626 /^kconfig/ and return gen_kconfig_overrides();
627 /^source$/ and return gen_package_source();
628 /^subdirs$/ and return gen_package_subdirs();
629 /^license$/ and return gen_package_license(0);
630 /^licensefull$/ and return gen_package_license(1);
631 /^version_filter$/ and return gen_version_filtered_list();
632 }
633 die <<EOF
634 Available Commands:
635 $0 mk [file] Package metadata in makefile format
636 $0 config [file] Package metadata in Kconfig format
637 $0 kconfig [file] [config] [patchver] Kernel config overrides
638 $0 source [file] Package source file information
639 $0 subdirs [file] Package subdir information in makefile format
640 $0 license [file] Package license information
641 $0 licensefull [file] Package license information (full list)
642 $0 version_filter [patchver] [list...] Filter list of version tagged strings
644 Options:
645 --ignore <name> Ignore the source package <name>
646 EOF
647 }
649 parse_command();