scripts/ avoid adding depends and select for the same symbol
[openwrt/openwrt.git] / scripts /
1 #!/bin/sh
3 ubootenv=""
4 nokernel=""
5 ubinize_param=""
6 kernel=""
7 rootfs=""
8 outfile=""
9 err=""
11 get_magic_word() {
12 dd if=$1 bs=2 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -n 2 -e '1/1 "%02x"'
13 }
15 is_ubifs() {
16 if [ "$( get_magic_word $1 )" = "3118" ]; then
17 echo "1"
18 fi
19 }
21 ubivol() {
22 volid=$1
23 name=$2
24 image=$3
25 autoresize=$4
26 echo "[$name]"
27 echo "mode=ubi"
28 echo "vol_id=$volid"
29 echo "vol_type=dynamic"
30 echo "vol_name=$name"
31 if [ "$image" ]; then
32 echo "image=$image"
33 else
34 echo "vol_size=1MiB"
35 fi
36 if [ "$autoresize" ]; then
37 echo "vol_flags=autoresize"
38 fi
39 }
41 ubilayout() {
42 local vol_id=0
43 local root_is_ubifs="$( is_ubifs "$2" )"
44 if [ "$1" = "ubootenv" ]; then
45 ubivol $vol_id ubootenv
46 vol_id=$(( $vol_id + 1 ))
47 ubivol $vol_id ubootenv2
48 vol_id=$(( $vol_id + 1 ))
49 fi
50 if [ "$3" ]; then
51 ubivol $vol_id kernel "$3"
52 vol_id=$(( $vol_id + 1 ))
53 fi
54 ubivol $vol_id rootfs "$2" $root_is_ubifs
55 vol_id=$(( $vol_id + 1 ))
56 [ "$root_is_ubifs" ] || ubivol $vol_id rootfs_data "" 1
57 }
59 while [ "$1" ]; do
60 if [ "$1" = "--uboot-env" ]; then
61 ubootenv="ubootenv"
62 shift
63 continue
64 fi
65 if [ "$1" = "--no-kernel" ]; then
66 nokernel="nokernel"
67 shift
68 continue
69 fi
70 if [ ! "$kernel" -a ! "$nokernel" ]; then
71 [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ] && break
72 kernel=$1
73 shift
74 continue
75 fi
76 if [ ! "$rootfs" ]; then
77 [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ] && break
78 rootfs=$1
79 shift
80 continue
81 fi
82 if [ ! "$outfile" ]; then
83 [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ] && break
84 outfile=$1
85 shift
86 continue
87 fi
88 ubinize_param="$@"
89 break
90 done
92 if [ ! -r "$rootfs" -o ! -r "$kernel" -a ! "$nokernel" -o ! "$outfile" ]; then
93 echo "syntax: $0 [--no-kernel] [--uboot-env] rootfs [kernel] out [ubinize opts]"
94 exit 1
95 fi
97 ubinize="$( which ubinize )"
98 if [ ! -x "$ubinize" ]; then
99 echo "ubinize tool not found or not usable"
100 exit 1
101 fi
103 ubinizecfg="$( mktemp )"
104 ubilayout "$ubootenv" "$rootfs" "$kernel" > "$ubinizecfg"
106 cat "$ubinizecfg"
107 ubinize -o "$outfile" $ubinize_param "$ubinizecfg"
108 err="$?"
109 [ ! -e "$outfile" ] && err=2
110 rm "$ubinizecfg"
112 exit $err