[openwrt/svn-archive/archive.git] / libs / libiconv / src / iconv.c
1 #include <iconv.h>
2 #include <errno.h>
3 #include <wchar.h>
4 #include <string.h>
5 #include <strings.h>
6 #include <stdlib.h>
7 #include <limits.h>
9 #include <dirent.h>
10 #include <fcntl.h>
11 #include <sys/mman.h>
12 #include <sys/stat.h>
13 #include <unistd.h>
14 #include <stdint.h>
16 /* builtin charmaps */
17 #include "charmaps.h"
19 /* only 0-7 are valid as dest charset */
20 #define UTF_16BE 000
21 #define UTF_16LE 001
22 #define UTF_32BE 002
23 #define UTF_32LE 003
24 #define WCHAR_T 004
25 #define UTF_8 005
26 #define US_ASCII 006
27 #define LATIN_1 007
29 /* additional charsets with algorithmic conversion */
30 #define LATIN_9 010
31 #define TIS_620 011
32 #define JIS_0201 012
34 /* some programs like php need this */
35 int _libiconv_version = _LIBICONV_VERSION;
37 /* these must match the constants above */
38 static const unsigned char charsets[] =
39 "\005" "UTF-8" "\0"
40 "\004" "WCHAR_T" "\0"
41 "\000" "UTF-16BE" "\0"
42 "\001" "UTF-16LE" "\0"
43 "\002" "UTF-32BE" "\0"
44 "\003" "UTF-32LE" "\0"
45 "\006" "US-ASCII" "\0"
46 "\007" "ISO-8859-1" "\0"
47 "\007" "LATIN1" "\0"
48 "\010" "ISO-8859-15""\0"
49 "\010" "LATIN9" "\0"
50 "\011" "ISO-8859-11""\0"
51 "\011" "TIS-620" "\0"
52 "\012" "JIS-0201" "\0"
53 "\377";
55 /* separate identifiers for sbcs/dbcs/etc map type */
56 #define UCS2_8BIT 000
57 #define UCS3_8BIT 001
58 #define EUC 002
59 #define EUC_TW 003
60 #define SHIFT_JIS 004
61 #define BIG5 005
62 #define GBK 006
64 /* FIXME: these are not implemented yet
65 // EUC: A1-FE A1-FE
66 // GBK: 81-FE 40-7E,80-FE
67 // Big5: A1-FE 40-7E,A1-FE
68 */
70 static const unsigned short maplen[] = {
71 [UCS2_8BIT] = 4+ 2* 128,
72 [UCS3_8BIT] = 4+ 3* 128,
73 [EUC] = 4+ 2* 94*94,
74 [SHIFT_JIS] = 4+ 2* 94*94,
75 [BIG5] = 4+ 2* 94*157,
76 [GBK] = 4+ 2* 126*190,
77 [EUC_TW] = 4+ 2* 2*94*94,
78 };
80 static int find_charmap(const char *name)
81 {
82 int i;
83 for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(charmaps) / sizeof(charmaps[0])); i++)
84 if (!strcasecmp(charmaps[i].name, name))
85 return i;
86 return -1;
87 }
89 static int find_charset(const char *name)
90 {
91 const unsigned char *s;
92 for (s=charsets; *s<0xff && strcasecmp(s+1, name); s+=strlen(s)+1);
93 return *s;
94 }
96 iconv_t iconv_open(const char *to, const char *from)
97 {
98 unsigned f, t;
99 int m;
101 if ((t = find_charset(to)) >= 8)
102 return -1;
104 if ((f = find_charset(from)) < 255)
105 return 0 | (t<<1) | (f<<4);
107 if ((m = find_charmap(from)) > -1)
108 return 1 | (t<<1) | (m<<4);
110 return -1;
111 }
113 int iconv_close(iconv_t cd)
114 {
115 return 0;
116 }
118 static inline wchar_t get_16(const unsigned char *s, int endian)
119 {
120 endian &= 1;
121 return s[endian]<<8 | s[endian^1];
122 }
124 static inline void put_16(unsigned char *s, wchar_t c, int endian)
125 {
126 endian &= 1;
127 s[endian] = c>>8;
128 s[endian^1] = c;
129 }
131 size_t iconv(iconv_t cd, char **in, size_t *inb, char **out, size_t *outb)
132 {
133 size_t x=0;
134 unsigned char to = (cd>>1)&7;
135 unsigned char from = 255;
136 const unsigned char *map = 0;
137 mbstate_t st = {0};
138 char tmp[MB_LEN_MAX];
139 wchar_t c, d;
140 size_t k, l;
141 int err;
143 if (!in || !*in || !*inb) return 0;
145 if (cd & 1)
146 map = charmaps[cd>>4].map;
147 else
148 from = cd>>4;
150 for (; *inb; *in+=l, *inb-=l) {
151 c = *(unsigned char *)*in;
152 l = 1;
153 if (from >= UTF_8 && c < 0x80) goto charok;
154 switch (from) {
155 case WCHAR_T:
156 l = sizeof(wchar_t);
157 if (*inb < l) goto starved;
158 c = *(wchar_t *)*in;
159 break;
160 case UTF_8:
161 l = mbrtowc(&c, *in, *inb, &st);
162 if (!l) l++;
163 else if (l == (size_t)-1) goto ilseq;
164 else if (l == (size_t)-2) goto starved;
165 break;
166 case US_ASCII:
167 goto ilseq;
168 case LATIN_9:
169 if ((unsigned)c - 0xa4 <= 0xbe - 0xa4) {
170 static const unsigned char map[] = {
171 0, 0x60, 0, 0x61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
172 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x7d, 0, 0, 0, 0x7e, 0, 0, 0,
173 0x52, 0x53, 0x78
174 };
175 if (c == 0xa4) c = 0x20ac;
176 else if (map[c-0xa5]) c = 0x100 | map[c-0xa5];
177 }
178 case LATIN_1:
179 goto charok;
180 case TIS_620:
181 if (c >= 0xa1) c += 0x0e01-0xa1;
182 goto charok;
183 case JIS_0201:
184 if (c >= 0xa1) {
185 if (c <= 0xdf) c += 0xff61-0xa1;
186 else goto ilseq;
187 }
188 goto charok;
189 case UTF_16BE:
190 case UTF_16LE:
191 l = 2;
192 if (*inb < 2) goto starved;
193 c = get_16(*in, from);
194 if ((unsigned)(c-0xdc00) < 0x400) goto ilseq;
195 if ((unsigned)(c-0xd800) < 0x400) {
196 l = 4;
197 if (*inb < 4) goto starved;
198 d = get_16(*in + 2, from);
199 if ((unsigned)(c-0xdc00) >= 0x400) goto ilseq;
200 c = ((c-0xd800)<<10) | (d-0xdc00);
201 }
202 break;
203 case UTF_32BE:
204 case UTF_32LE:
205 l = 4;
206 if (*inb < 4) goto starved;
207 // FIXME
208 // c = get_32(*in, from);
209 break;
210 default:
211 /* only support ascii supersets */
212 if (c < 0x80) break;
213 switch (map[0]) {
214 case UCS2_8BIT:
215 c -= 0x80;
216 break;
217 case EUC:
218 if ((unsigned)c - 0xa1 >= 94) goto ilseq;
219 if ((unsigned)in[0][1] - 0xa1 >= 94) goto ilseq;
220 c = (c-0xa1)*94 + (in[0][1]-0xa1);
221 l = 2;
222 break;
223 case SHIFT_JIS:
224 if ((unsigned)c - 0xa1 <= 0xdf-0xa1) {
225 c += 0xff61-0xa1;
226 goto charok;
227 }
228 // FIXME...
229 l = 2;
230 break;
231 default:
232 goto badf;
233 }
234 c = get_16(map + 4 + 2*c, 0);
235 if (c == 0xffff) goto ilseq;
236 goto charok;
237 }
239 if ((unsigned)c - 0xd800 < 0x800 || (unsigned)c >= 0x110000)
240 goto ilseq;
241 charok:
242 switch (to) {
243 case WCHAR_T:
244 if (*outb < sizeof(wchar_t)) goto toobig;
245 *(wchar_t *)*out = c;
246 *out += sizeof(wchar_t);
247 *outb -= sizeof(wchar_t);
248 break;
249 case UTF_8:
250 if (*outb < 4) {
251 k = wctomb(tmp, c);
252 if (*outb < k) goto toobig;
253 memcpy(*out, tmp, k);
254 } else k = wctomb(*out, c);
255 *out += k;
256 *outb -= k;
257 break;
258 case US_ASCII:
259 if (c > 0x7f) c = 0xfffd;
260 /* fall thru and count replacement in latin1 case */
261 case LATIN_1:
262 if (!*outb) goto toobig;
263 if (c < 0x100) **out = c;
264 else x++, **out = '*'; //FIXME: translit?
265 ++*out;
266 --*outb;
267 break;
268 case UTF_16BE:
269 case UTF_16LE:
270 if (c < 0x10000) {
271 if (*outb < 2) goto toobig;
272 put_16(*out, c, to);
273 *out += 2;
274 *outb -= 2;
275 break;
276 }
277 if (*outb < 4) goto toobig;
278 put_16(*out, (c>>10)|0xd800, to);
279 put_16(*out + 2, (c&0x3ff)|0xdc00, to);
280 *out += 4;
281 *outb -= 4;
282 break;
283 default:
284 goto badf;
285 }
286 }
287 return x;
288 ilseq:
289 err = EILSEQ;
290 x = -1;
291 goto end;
292 badf:
293 err = EBADF;
294 x = -1;
295 goto end;
296 toobig:
297 err = E2BIG;
298 goto end;
299 starved:
300 err = EINVAL;
301 end:
302 errno = err;
303 return x;
304 }