[project/luci.git] / libs / lucid-http / luasrc / lucid / http / server.lua
1 --[[
2 LuCId HTTP-Slave
3 (c) 2009 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
5 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 $Id$
12 ]]--
14 local ipairs, pairs = ipairs, pairs
15 local tostring, tonumber = tostring, tonumber
16 local pcall, assert, type = pcall, assert, type
17 local set_memory_limit = set_memory_limit
19 local os = require "os"
20 local nixio = require "nixio"
21 local util = require "luci.util"
22 local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12"
23 local proto = require "luci.http.protocol"
24 local table = require "table"
25 local date = require "luci.http.protocol.date"
27 --- HTTP Daemon
28 -- @cstyle instance
29 module "luci.lucid.http.server"
31 VERSION = "1.0"
33 statusmsg = {
34 [200] = "OK",
35 [206] = "Partial Content",
36 [301] = "Moved Permanently",
37 [302] = "Found",
38 [304] = "Not Modified",
39 [400] = "Bad Request",
40 [401] = "Unauthorized",
41 [403] = "Forbidden",
42 [404] = "Not Found",
43 [405] = "Method Not Allowed",
44 [408] = "Request Time-out",
45 [411] = "Length Required",
46 [412] = "Precondition Failed",
47 [416] = "Requested range not satisfiable",
48 [500] = "Internal Server Error",
49 [503] = "Server Unavailable",
50 }
52 --- Create a new IO resource response.
53 -- @class function
54 -- @param fd File descriptor
55 -- @param len Length of data
56 -- @return IO resource
57 IOResource = util.class()
59 function IOResource.__init__(self, fd, len)
60 self.fd, self.len = fd, len
61 end
64 --- Create a server handler.
65 -- @class function
66 -- @param name Name
67 -- @return Handler
68 Handler = util.class()
70 function Handler.__init__(self, name)
71 self.name = name or tostring(self)
72 end
74 --- Create a failure reply.
75 -- @param code HTTP status code
76 -- @param msg Status message
77 -- @return status code, header table, response source
78 function Handler.failure(self, code, msg)
79 return code, { ["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" }, ltn12.source.string(msg)
80 end
82 --- Add an access restriction.
83 -- @param restriction Restriction specification
84 function Handler.restrict(self, restriction)
85 if not self.restrictions then
86 self.restrictions = {restriction}
87 else
88 self.restrictions[#self.restrictions+1] = restriction
89 end
90 end
92 --- Enforce access restrictions.
93 -- @param request Request object
94 -- @return nil or HTTP statuscode, table of headers, response source
95 function Handler.checkrestricted(self, request)
96 if not self.restrictions then
97 return
98 end
100 local localif, user, pass
102 for _, r in ipairs(self.restrictions) do
103 local stat = true
104 if stat and r.interface then -- Interface restriction
105 if not localif then
106 for _, v in ipairs(request.server.interfaces) do
107 if v.addr == request.env.SERVER_ADDR then
108 localif = v.name
109 break
110 end
111 end
112 end
114 if r.interface ~= localif then
115 stat = false
116 end
117 end
119 if stat and r.user then -- User restriction
120 local rh, pwe
121 if not user then
122 rh = (request.headers.Authorization or ""):match("Basic (.*)")
123 rh = rh and nixio.bin.b64decode(rh) or ""
124 user, pass = rh:match("(.*):(.*)")
125 pass = pass or ""
126 end
127 pwe = nixio.getsp and nixio.getsp(r.user) or nixio.getpw(r.user)
128 local pwh = (user == r.user) and pwe and (pwe.pwdp or pwe.passwd)
129 if not pwh or #pwh < 1 or nixio.crypt(pass, pwh) ~= pwh then
130 stat = false
131 end
132 end
134 if stat then
135 request.env.HTTP_AUTH_USER, request.env.HTTP_AUTH_PASS = user, pass
136 return
137 end
138 end
140 return 401, {
141 ["WWW-Authenticate"] = ('Basic realm=%q'):format(self.name),
142 ["Content-Type"] = 'text/plain'
143 }, ltn12.source.string("Unauthorized")
144 end
146 --- Process a request.
147 -- @param request Request object
148 -- @param sourcein Request data source
149 -- @return HTTP statuscode, table of headers, response source
150 function Handler.process(self, request, sourcein)
151 local stat, code, hdr, sourceout
153 local stat, code, msg = self:checkrestricted(request)
154 if stat then -- Access Denied
155 return stat, code, msg
156 end
158 -- Detect request Method
159 local hname = "handle_" .. request.env.REQUEST_METHOD
160 if self[hname] then
161 -- Run the handler
162 stat, code, hdr, sourceout = pcall(self[hname], self, request, sourcein)
164 -- Check for any errors
165 if not stat then
166 return self:failure(500, code)
167 end
168 else
169 return self:failure(405, statusmsg[405])
170 end
172 return code, hdr, sourceout
173 end
176 --- Create a Virtual Host.
177 -- @class function
178 -- @return Virtual Host
179 VHost = util.class()
181 function VHost.__init__(self)
182 self.handlers = {}
183 end
185 --- Process a request and invoke the appropriate handler.
186 -- @param request Request object
187 -- @param ... Additional parameters passed to the handler
188 -- @return HTTP statuscode, table of headers, response source
189 function VHost.process(self, request, ...)
190 local handler
191 local hlen = -1
192 local uri = request.env.SCRIPT_NAME
193 local sc = ("/"):byte()
196 request.env.SCRIPT_NAME = ""
198 -- Call URI part
199 request.env.PATH_INFO = uri
201 for k, h in pairs(self.handlers) do
202 if #k > hlen then
203 if uri == k or (uri:sub(1, #k) == k and uri:byte(#k+1) == sc) then
204 handler = h
205 hlen = #k
206 request.env.SCRIPT_NAME = k
207 request.env.PATH_INFO = uri:sub(#k+1)
208 end
209 end
210 end
212 if handler then
213 return handler:process(request, ...)
214 else
215 return 404, nil, ltn12.source.string("No such handler")
216 end
217 end
219 --- Get a list of registered handlers.
220 -- @return Table of handlers
221 function VHost.get_handlers(self)
222 return self.handlers
223 end
225 --- Register handler with a given URI prefix.
226 -- @oaram match URI prefix
227 -- @param handler Handler object
228 function VHost.set_handler(self, match, handler)
229 self.handlers[match] = handler
230 end
232 -- Remap IPv6-IPv4-compatibility addresses back to IPv4 addresses.
233 local function remapipv6(adr)
234 local map = "::ffff:"
235 if adr:sub(1, #map) == map then
236 return adr:sub(#map+1)
237 else
238 return adr
239 end
240 end
242 -- Create a source that decodes chunked-encoded data from a socket.
243 local function chunksource(sock, buffer)
244 buffer = buffer or ""
245 return function()
246 local output
247 local _, endp, count = buffer:find("^([0-9a-fA-F]+);?.-\r\n")
248 while not count and #buffer <= 1024 do
249 local newblock, code = sock:recv(1024 - #buffer)
250 if not newblock then
251 return nil, code
252 end
253 buffer = buffer .. newblock
254 _, endp, count = buffer:find("^([0-9a-fA-F]+);?.-\r\n")
255 end
256 count = tonumber(count, 16)
257 if not count then
258 return nil, -1, "invalid encoding"
259 elseif count == 0 then
260 return nil
261 elseif count + 2 <= #buffer - endp then
262 output = buffer:sub(endp+1, endp+count)
263 buffer = buffer:sub(endp+count+3)
264 return output
265 else
266 output = buffer:sub(endp+1, endp+count)
267 buffer = ""
268 if count - #output > 0 then
269 local remain, code = sock:recvall(count-#output)
270 if not remain then
271 return nil, code
272 end
273 output = output .. remain
274 count, code = sock:recvall(2)
275 else
276 count, code = sock:recvall(count+2-#buffer+endp)
277 end
278 if not count then
279 return nil, code
280 end
281 return output
282 end
283 end
284 end
286 -- Create a sink that chunk-encodes data and writes it on a given socket.
287 local function chunksink(sock)
288 return function(chunk, err)
289 if not chunk then
290 return sock:writeall("0\r\n\r\n")
291 else
292 return sock:writeall(("%X\r\n%s\r\n"):format(#chunk, tostring(chunk)))
293 end
294 end
295 end
298 --- Create a server object.
299 -- @class function
300 -- @return Server object
301 Server = util.class()
303 function Server.__init__(self)
304 self.vhosts = {}
305 end
307 --- Get a list of registered virtual hosts.
308 -- @return Table of virtual hosts
309 function Server.get_vhosts(self)
310 return self.vhosts
311 end
313 --- Register a virtual host with a given name.
314 -- @param name Hostname
315 -- @param vhost Virtual host object
316 function Server.set_vhost(self, name, vhost)
317 self.vhosts[name] = vhost
318 end
320 --- Send a fatal error message to given client and close the connection.
321 -- @param client Client socket
322 -- @param code HTTP status code
323 -- @param msg status message
324 function Server.error(self, client, code, msg)
325 hcode = tostring(code)
327 client:writeall( "HTTP/1.0 " .. hcode .. " " ..
328 statusmsg[code] .. "\r\n" )
329 client:writeall( "Connection: close\r\n" )
330 client:writeall( "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n" )
332 if msg then
333 client:writeall( "HTTP-Error " .. code .. ": " .. msg .. "\r\n" )
334 end
336 client:close()
337 end
339 local hdr2env = {
340 ["Content-Length"] = "CONTENT_LENGTH",
341 ["Content-Type"] = "CONTENT_TYPE",
342 ["Content-type"] = "CONTENT_TYPE",
343 ["Accept"] = "HTTP_ACCEPT",
344 ["Accept-Charset"] = "HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET",
345 ["Accept-Encoding"] = "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING",
346 ["Accept-Language"] = "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE",
347 ["Connection"] = "HTTP_CONNECTION",
348 ["Cookie"] = "HTTP_COOKIE",
349 ["Host"] = "HTTP_HOST",
350 ["Referer"] = "HTTP_REFERER",
351 ["User-Agent"] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT"
352 }
354 --- Parse the request headers and prepare the environment.
355 -- @param source line-based input source
356 -- @return Request object
357 function Server.parse_headers(self, source)
358 local env = {}
359 local req = {env = env, headers = {}}
360 local line, err
362 repeat -- Ignore empty lines
363 line, err = source()
364 if not line then
365 return nil, err
366 end
367 until #line > 0
370 line:match("^([A-Z]+) ([^ ]+) (HTTP/1%.[01])$")
372 if not env.REQUEST_METHOD then
373 return nil, "invalid magic"
374 end
376 local key, envkey, val
377 repeat
378 line, err = source()
379 if not line then
380 return nil, err
381 elseif #line > 0 then
382 key, val = line:match("^([%w-]+)%s?:%s?(.*)")
383 if key then
384 req.headers[key] = val
385 envkey = hdr2env[key]
386 if envkey then
387 env[envkey] = val
388 end
389 else
390 return nil, "invalid header line"
391 end
392 else
393 break
394 end
395 until false
397 env.SCRIPT_NAME, env.QUERY_STRING = env.REQUEST_URI:match("([^?]*)%??(.*)")
398 return req
399 end
401 --- Handle a new client connection.
402 -- @param client client socket
403 -- @param env superserver environment
404 function Server.process(self, client, env)
405 local sourcein = function() end
406 local sourcehdr = client:linesource()
407 local sinkout
408 local buffer
410 local close = false
411 local stat, code, msg, message, err
413 env.config.memlimit = tonumber(env.config.memlimit)
414 if env.config.memlimit and set_memory_limit then
415 set_memory_limit(env.config.memlimit)
416 end
418 client:setsockopt("socket", "rcvtimeo", 5)
419 client:setsockopt("socket", "sndtimeo", 5)
421 repeat
422 -- parse headers
423 message, err = self:parse_headers(sourcehdr)
425 -- any other error
426 if not message or err then
427 if err == 11 then -- EAGAIN
428 break
429 else
430 return self:error(client, 400, err)
431 end
432 end
434 -- Prepare sources and sinks
435 buffer = sourcehdr(true)
436 sinkout = client:sink()
437 message.server = env
439 if client:is_tls_socket() then
440 message.env.HTTPS = "on"
441 end
443 -- Addresses
444 message.env.REMOTE_ADDR = remapipv6(env.host)
445 message.env.REMOTE_PORT = env.port
447 local srvaddr, srvport = client:getsockname()
448 message.env.SERVER_ADDR = remapipv6(srvaddr)
449 message.env.SERVER_PORT = srvport
451 -- keep-alive
452 if message.env.SERVER_PROTOCOL == "HTTP/1.1" then
453 close = (message.env.HTTP_CONNECTION == "close")
454 else
455 close = not message.env.HTTP_CONNECTION
456 or message.env.HTTP_CONNECTION == "close"
457 end
459 -- Uncomment this to disable keep-alive
460 close = close or env.config.nokeepalive
462 if message.env.REQUEST_METHOD == "GET"
463 or message.env.REQUEST_METHOD == "HEAD" then
464 -- Be happy
466 elseif message.env.REQUEST_METHOD == "POST" then
467 -- If we have a HTTP/1.1 client and an Expect: 100-continue header
468 -- respond with HTTP 100 Continue message
469 if message.env.SERVER_PROTOCOL == "HTTP/1.1"
470 and message.headers.Expect == '100-continue' then
471 client:writeall("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")
472 end
474 if message.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] and
475 message.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] ~= "identity" then
476 sourcein = chunksource(client, buffer)
477 buffer = nil
478 elseif message.env.CONTENT_LENGTH then
479 local len = tonumber(message.env.CONTENT_LENGTH)
480 if #buffer >= len then
481 sourcein = ltn12.source.string(buffer:sub(1, len))
482 buffer = buffer:sub(len+1)
483 else
484 sourcein = ltn12.source.cat(
485 ltn12.source.string(buffer),
486 client:blocksource(nil, len - #buffer)
487 )
488 end
489 else
490 return self:error(client, 411, statusmsg[411])
491 end
493 close = true
494 else
495 return self:error(client, 405, statusmsg[405])
496 end
499 local host = self.vhosts[message.env.HTTP_HOST] or self.vhosts[""]
500 if not host then
501 return self:error(client, 404, "No virtual host found")
502 end
504 local code, headers, sourceout = host:process(message, sourcein)
505 headers = headers or {}
507 -- Post process response
508 if sourceout then
509 if util.instanceof(sourceout, IOResource) then
510 if not headers["Content-Length"] then
511 headers["Content-Length"] = sourceout.len
512 end
513 end
514 if not headers["Content-Length"] and not close then
515 if message.env.SERVER_PROTOCOL == "HTTP/1.1" then
516 headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked"
517 sinkout = chunksink(client)
518 else
519 close = true
520 end
521 end
522 elseif message.env.REQUEST_METHOD ~= "HEAD" then
523 headers["Content-Length"] = 0
524 end
526 if close then
527 headers["Connection"] = "close"
528 elseif message.env.SERVER_PROTOCOL == "HTTP/1.0" then
529 headers["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"
530 end
532 headers["Date"] = date.to_http(os.time())
533 local header = {
534 message.env.SERVER_PROTOCOL .. " " .. tostring(code) .. " "
535 .. statusmsg[code],
536 "Server: LuCId-HTTPd/" .. VERSION
537 }
540 for k, v in pairs(headers) do
541 if type(v) == "table" then
542 for _, h in ipairs(v) do
543 header[#header+1] = k .. ": " .. h
544 end
545 else
546 header[#header+1] = k .. ": " .. v
547 end
548 end
550 header[#header+1] = ""
551 header[#header+1] = ""
553 -- Output
554 stat, code, msg = client:writeall(table.concat(header, "\r\n"))
556 if sourceout and stat then
557 if util.instanceof(sourceout, IOResource) then
558 if not headers["Transfer-Encoding"] then
559 stat, code, msg = sourceout.fd:copyz(client, sourceout.len)
560 sourceout = nil
561 else
562 sourceout = sourceout.fd:blocksource(nil, sourceout.len)
563 end
564 end
566 if sourceout then
567 stat, msg = ltn12.pump.all(sourceout, sinkout)
568 end
569 end
572 -- Write errors
573 if not stat then
574 if msg then
575 nixio.syslog("err", "Error sending data to " .. env.host ..
576 ": " .. msg .. "\n")
577 end
578 break
579 end
581 if buffer then
582 sourcehdr(buffer)
583 end
584 until close
586 client:shutdown()
587 client:close()
588 end