modules/admin-mini: merge new upgrade pages
[project/luci.git] / modules / admin-mini / luasrc / controller / mini / system.lua
1 --[[
2 LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
4 Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
5 Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
7 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 You may obtain a copy of the License at
13 $Id$
14 ]]--
16 module("", package.seeall)
18 function index()
19 luci.i18n.loadc("admin-core")
20 local i18n = luci.i18n.translate
22 entry({"mini", "system"}, alias("mini", "system", "index"), i18n("system"), 40).index = true
23 entry({"mini", "system", "index"}, cbi("mini/system", {autoapply=true}), i18n("general"), 1)
24 entry({"mini", "system", "passwd"}, form("mini/passwd"), i18n("a_s_changepw"), 10)
25 entry({"mini", "system", "backup"}, call("action_backup"), i18n("a_s_backup"), 80)
26 entry({"mini", "system", "upgrade"}, call("action_upgrade"), i18n("admin_upgrade"), 90)
27 entry({"mini", "system", "reboot"}, call("action_reboot"), i18n("reboot"), 100)
28 end
30 function action_backup()
31 local reset_avail = os.execute([[grep '"rootfs_data"' /proc/mtd >/dev/null 2>&1]]) == 0
32 local restore_cmd = "gunzip | tar -xC/ >/dev/null 2>&1"
33 local backup_cmd = "tar -c %s | gzip 2>/dev/null"
35 local restore_fpi
36 luci.http.setfilehandler(
37 function(meta, chunk, eof)
38 if not restore_fpi then
39 restore_fpi = io.popen(restore_cmd, "w")
40 end
41 if chunk then
42 restore_fpi:write(chunk)
43 end
44 if eof then
45 restore_fpi:close()
46 end
47 end
48 )
50 local upload = luci.http.formvalue("archive")
51 local backup = luci.http.formvalue("backup")
52 local reset = reset_avail and luci.http.formvalue("reset")
54 if upload and #upload > 0 then
55 luci.template.render("mini/applyreboot")
56 luci.sys.reboot()
57 elseif backup then
58 luci.util.perror(backup_cmd:format(_keep_pattern()))
59 local backup_fpi = io.popen(backup_cmd:format(_keep_pattern()), "r")
60 luci.http.header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="backup-%s-%s.tar.gz"' % {
61 luci.sys.hostname(),"%Y-%m-%d")})
62 luci.http.prepare_content("application/x-targz")
63 luci.ltn12.pump.all(luci.ltn12.source.file(backup_fpi), luci.http.write)
64 elseif reset then
65 luci.template.render("mini/applyreboot")
66 luci.util.exec("mtd -r erase rootfs_data")
67 else
68 luci.template.render("mini/backup", {reset_avail = reset_avail})
69 end
70 end
72 function action_reboot()
73 local reboot = luci.http.formvalue("reboot")
74 luci.template.render("mini/reboot", {reboot=reboot})
75 if reboot then
76 luci.sys.reboot()
77 end
78 end
80 function action_upgrade()
81 require("luci.model.uci")
83 local tmpfile = "/tmp/firmware.img"
85 local function image_supported()
86 -- XXX: yay...
87 return ( 0 == os.execute(
88 ". /etc/; " ..
89 "include /lib/upgrade; " ..
90 "platform_check_image %q >/dev/null"
91 % tmpfile
92 ) )
93 end
95 local function image_checksum()
96 return (luci.sys.exec("md5sum %q" % tmpfile):match("^([^%s]+)"))
97 end
99 local function storage_size()
100 local size = 0
101 if luci.fs.access("/proc/mtd") then
102 for l in io.lines("/proc/mtd") do
103 local d, s, e, n = l:match('^([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+"([^%s]+)"')
104 if n == "linux" then
105 size = tonumber(s, 16)
106 break
107 end
108 end
109 end
110 return size
111 end
114 -- Install upload handler
115 local file
116 luci.http.setfilehandler(
117 function(meta, chunk, eof)
118 if not luci.fs.access(tmpfile) and not file and chunk and #chunk > 0 then
119 file =, "w")
120 end
121 if file and chunk then
122 file:write(chunk)
123 end
124 if file and eof then
125 file:close()
126 end
127 end
128 )
131 -- Determine state
132 local keep_avail = true
133 local step = tonumber(luci.http.formvalue("step") or 1)
134 local has_image = luci.fs.access(tmpfile)
135 local has_support = image_supported()
136 local has_platform = luci.fs.access("/lib/upgrade/")
137 local has_upload = luci.http.formvalue("image")
139 -- This does the actual flashing which is invoked inside an iframe
140 -- so don't produce meaningful errors here because the the
141 -- previous pages should arrange the stuff as required.
142 if step == 4 then
143 if has_platform and has_image and has_support then
144 -- Next line is to bypass luci.http layer
145 luci.http.context.eoh = true
147 -- Now invoke sysupgrade
148 local keepcfg = keep_avail and luci.http.formvalue("keepcfg") == "1"
149 os.execute("/sbin/luci-flash %s %q" %{
150 keepcfg and "-k %q" % _keep_pattern() or "", tmpfile
151 })
153 -- Make sure the device is rebooted
154 luci.sys.reboot()
155 end
158 --
159 -- This is step 1-3, which does the user interaction and
160 -- image upload.
161 --
163 -- Step 1: file upload, error on unsupported image format
164 elseif not has_image or not has_support or step == 1 then
165 -- If there is an image but user has requested step 1
166 -- or type is not supported, then remove it.
167 if has_image then
168 luci.fs.unlink(tmpfile)
169 end
171 luci.template.render("admin_system/upgrade", {
172 step=1,
173 bad_image=(has_image and not has_support or false),
174 keepavail=keep_avail,
175 supported=has_platform
176 } )
178 -- Step 2: present uploaded file, show checksum, confirmation
179 elseif step == 2 then
180 luci.template.render("admin_system/upgrade", {
181 step=2,
182 checksum=image_checksum(),
183 filesize=luci.fs.stat(tmpfile).size,
184 flashsize=storage_size(),
185 keepconfig=(keep_avail and luci.http.formvalue("keepcfg") == "1")
186 } )
188 -- Step 3: load iframe which calls the actual flash procedure
189 elseif step == 3 then
190 luci.template.render("admin_system/upgrade", {
191 step=3,
192 keepconfig=(keep_avail and luci.http.formvalue("keepcfg") == "1")
193 } )
194 end
195 end
197 function _keep_pattern()
198 local kpattern = ""
199 local files = luci.model.uci.cursor():get_all("luci", "flash_keep")
200 if files then
201 kpattern = ""
202 for k, v in pairs(files) do
203 if k:sub(1,1) ~= "." and luci.fs.glob(v) then
204 kpattern = kpattern .. " " .. v
205 end
206 end
207 end
208 return kpattern
209 end