2022-05-28 | David Bauer | ramips: disable unsupported background-radar The UniFi 6 Lite as well as the Tenbay T-MB5EU do not have the third |
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2022-01-22 | David Bauer | ramips: read Tenbay T-MB5EU address from single location ramips: read Tenbay T-MB5EU address from single location |
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2022-01-22 | David Bauer | ramips: update Tenbay T-MB5EU wireless MAC address ramips: update Tenbay T-MB5EU wireless MAC address |
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2021-12-14 | David Bauer | ramips: fix Tenbay T-MB5EU v1 Wireless MAC ramips: fix Tenbay T-MB5EU v1 Wireless MAC It was reported, that Tenbay T-MB5EU v1 do have incorrect Wireless MAC |
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2021-06-27 | David Bauer | ramips: add support for Tenbay T-MB5EU-V01 ramips: add support for Tenbay T-MB5EU-V01 it. The main baord has "T-MB5EU V01" printed on it. This information The router itself is sold as Tenbay T-MB5EU directly from the OEM as ...https://github.com/blocktrron/t-mb5eu-v01-factory-creator/ |
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2021-06-27 | David Bauer | ramips: add AW9523 I2C GPIO expander driver T-MB5EU-V01 work. |
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